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Klarrio CTO to present at Kafka Summit UK 2019

By April 23, 2019April 8th, 2020Events, News

Klarrio CTO to present at Kafka Summit UK 2019



Our very own CTO, Bruno De Bus, will host a presentation at 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 14 at the upcoming Kafka Summit in London.
Bruno’s presentation is titled “Talking Traffic: Data in the Driver’s Seat”, which discusses how Klarrio built a customized platform on behalf of the Dutch telco provider, KPN, for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.

The platform collects data from a wide variety of sources from across the country and acts as a secure data streaming information exchange between those sources and connected end-users. The result is a real-time traffic information system for participating Dutch citizens, and the potential use cases are virtually unlimited.

More info here and to come on Twitter, or schedule a meeting.