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SESAM open it, the future of IT

By July 29, 2019April 7th, 2021Events, News

SESAM open it, the future of IT


Since 2014 Hujo has been organising Sesam Open IT in Mechelen. This format provides children with a unique and accessible way familiarise themselves with the basics of programming. The purpose is to give the most vulnerable individuals in our society a taste of the world of technology and science at a young age. Sesam Open IT aims to stimulate the interest in science and technology and to help youngsters make an informed choice with regard to their study programme.

Pilot project for Children

The first pilot project starts in September 2019 at Klarrio. Sesam Open IT will host 12 sessions. Additionally Klarrio provides financial aid for the purchase of snacks and the recruiting of students that will teach the courses.

Send a mail to if you want more information.